Purple cow
Purple cow

purple cow purple cow

It comes into the overall smoke now and again. The cigar leaf is the greatest accomplishment of all. Virginia provides a reassuring tang throughout the smoke but never takes over. The soft, toasty Burley starts out the smoke, the meaty yet well-mannered Latakia drops in to say hello now and again, just as it should be. This is one of two blends with both wonderful Burley and questionable Latakia wherein I can taste both of them and they both taste right.

purple cow

Once again, the good gentleman has delivered. Whether a blend contains cigars or cough syrup if Bob Runowski had a hand in it I'll give it a shot. His Pegasus and Haunted Bookshop are my constant companions because he understands the wonders of Burley, and thus the fullness of what tobacco can offer. This man is responsible for all of my favorite blends from Cornell & Diehl. The name Runowski, however will always give me pause. All cigars taste the same to me, that is to say taste bad, and I have never understood the intention behind grinding them up and putting them in otherwise pure, unoffending pipe tobacco. Had it not been for the Ogden Nash reference and the name of Bob Runowski attached to this blend, I doubt if I would have ever given Purple Cow a moments thought. Well, now that this blend has been featured on the History Channel, I simply must put forth my thoughts in hopes of being thought cool by association.

Purple cow